c) 2012' name='copyright'/>Michael DeShane Hinton: Guidelines

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Anglican Life Curriculum
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. –Jesus
  1. Authors shall choose a course from the chart in the Philosophy of Ministry.  Each course shall use the word Life in its title and be complete upon submission.  Each course shall contain as many lessons as there are weeks in the liturgical season.
  2. The lessons within the course shall take as their text the lectionary readings for the day as they appear in the Book of Common Worship of the Church of England: http://www.katapi.org.uk/CommonWorship/CWLectionarySelV.php .
  3. Each lesson shall fill 50 minutes of class time and have specific instructions about what is said and done in class.  Each lesson shall include a list of items needed for the lesson.
  4. All submissions shall be written in 12 point black Garamond.
  5. The course shall be submitted as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format.
  6. Enquiries or completed courses shall be sent to mdsh@suddenlink.net .
  7. The Editor has sole discretion in all matters concerning submissions.
  8. The author shall use language, vocabulary, grammar, and syntax in accordance with Strunk & White’s ELEMENTS OF STYLE, Fourth Edition.
  9. The author shall strive for dignity and artistry in expression, using lofty language.
  10. The author shall not shy away from theological terms but explain them.  The author shall not shy away from Koine Greek or Latin terms but provide translations.
  11. The author shall use mostly simple declarative sentences with subject, predicate, and modifiers. Questions, imperatives, and exclamations shall be used in age/stage-appropriate ways.
  12. The author shall avoid the most common logical fallacies: shallow analysis, ad hominem, false choice, slippery slope, and generalization.
  13. The author shall be reasonable.
  14. The author shall follow the rules of rhetoric.
  15. The author shall use the English Standard Version of the Bible, King James Version, Revised Standard Version, or the Geneva Bible.
  16. The author shall use Scriptural words and phrases.
  17. The author shall use the liturgical language of the1928 Book of Common Prayer.
  18. The author shall not violate natural law, the law of love, or the Canons of the ACNA, either in his writings or his personal life.
  19. The author shall adhere to the Working Definition of Spiritual Formation, the Philosophy of Ministry, and the Ethos of Anglican Life Curriculum.
  20. The author shall demonstrate growth in the teaching office by completing the Annual Required Reading.

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